Think of Magpie as the beautiful lovechild of Apple Photos and Notes apps.
Use your camera to take photos and combine them with notes, maps, prices and links. It’s a reminder/list app, focussed entirely around the photos you take of the things you love and want to remember.
People use Magpie to photograph, organise and remember...
…and anything else you can think of!
Create unlimited lists for whatever you need. So when you spy that jacket you’ve always wanted, the perfect gift for a friend, or a poster for that gig you don’t want to miss, with Magpie you can capture and catalogue that idea instantly.
Items in Magpie are more than just photos. They are groups of as many photos as you need, along with notes, price, vendor and location details.
Simple, but powerful, so you won’t forget the important bits about the things you love
What’s better than collecting your ideas? Yep, collaborating on your ideas with your friends! Magpie uses iCloud to let you instantly share any collection with multiple friends and family without needing to signup to a new service. It just works.
There’s going to be times when you want to share your ideas with other platforms. That’s no problem with Magpie.
Export any Item including images and notes to Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Email and many more.
Get Magpie on your iPad for the full screen experience. All your lists will automagically sync between your devices via iCloud. And with iOS11, dragging and dropping images from any other app instantly creates a new Item for you.
Magpie is the simplest way to snap, store and organise photos of the things you love. Don’t just take our word for it though, see what everyone else is saying!
All those times I’ve taken pictures of things I want to remember, and just lost them in my photo stream. Now I never forget those ideas!
I travel a lot and am always passing places I want to go back to. Magpie helps me photograph and organise those places like no other app. I love it.
Now when I pass a poster for a gig or show, I just snap it and add it to my 'Gigs' list. I've been to so many more gigs since using Magpie!
With Magpie I share my presents lists with friends and family - everyone joins in. Getting the right presents for my loved one so much easier.
My husband and I have been renovating our house. Using Magpie helps us can remember all the beautiful things we want for our home.
I moved to a new city with so many cool bars and restaurants I want to go to. Now when I see one I add it to my lists, so I have no excuse not to go!